1901 Hergiswil

Actual 45 mm size by Jean Kauffmann, Luzern


Casting aside all despair, with a will forged of iron and valor that doth soar above all fear, Arnold von Winkelried, that valiant knight, doth boldly hurl himself into the fray, well aware that this momentous act, however gallant, shall herald his mortal demise.

His noble brow turned back, he raises a final rallying cry to his kinfolk, beseeching them with fervor. As merciless pikes, like the claws of death, pierce through his mail, tearing his flesh with cruel intent, all bear witness to his tragic fate, laid bare before the eyes of his compatriots.

Leaning over a fallen comrade, a valiant halberdier of the Confederacy who now gasps his last breath, the undaunted hero calls forth a final invocation to rekindle the spirits of his brethren. Thus inspired, they rally anew, charging forth upon their foes, their hearts ignited by the bravery of stout-hearted Winkelried, who hath opened a breach for glory.

Now is the hour, a moment ripe for valor! Without a flicker of hesitation, he doth surge forth, the two-handed iron mace raised high above him, a thunderous storm ready to descend with unrestrained fury upon all adversaries that dare to stand in his path.

In the fair town of Stans, a monument to Arnold von Winkelried stands proud upon the square of the town hall, erected in the year of our Lord 1865, sculpted by the deft hand of Ferdinand Schlöth, a tribute to the hero’s undying legacy.


EIDGENOSSEN, SORGET FUER WEIB UND KIND! - Confederates, care for my woman and children!


O Glorious Cross, thou radiant emblem, casting forth stylized rays of liberty unbound and the sacred bonds of brotherhood! Thou art the allegory of the Confederacy, elevated high above the proud couplet, adorned with the blazoned emblems of Nidwalden and Hergiswil, set upon an ornate pedestal, a testament to noble pride.

Upon the sides, thou art embraced by floral laurel branches, entwined with paired alpine roses, symbols of enduring beauty and valor. Thy presence bestows a champion's garland upon him who treads the path of greatness, walking in the revered footsteps of those valiant heroes who have come before him, their spirits ever guiding and inspiring.


Arnold von Winkelried or Arnold Winkelried is the legendary hero of Swiss history, in the Battle of Sempach was fought on 9 July 1386, between Leopold III, Duke of Austria and the Old Swiss Confederacy.

When Old Suisse Confederacy countered the Austrian forces, both armies were in marching columns, and not of readied battle formations. Leopold III had brought with him a sizeable force of estimated 4’000 mostly experienced mercenaries of which 1’500 are heavily armed knights. The Swiss, on the other hand, was heavily outnumbered and at best estimates, consists of only 1’500-2’000 men hailing from the Forest Catons of Lurcerne, Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden. They had held the wooded high ground close to the village of Hildisrieden.

Seeing the small strength of the confederate forces, the Austrian nobles were concerned that if they sent the mercenaries in front, they might not see any action at all, as the mercenaries would finish the job on their own. Hence, they insisted on taking the front ranks. Since the terrain was not deemed suitable for a cavalry attack, Leopold's knights dismounted, and because they did not have time to prepare for the engagement, they were forced to cut off the tips of their poulaines which would have hindered their movement on foot.

The main body of the Confederation army completed its deployment, and stride purposefully from the wooded highlands down onto the flanks of the Austrian knights aggressively. The much larger Austrian force, then held their grounds and purposefully formed a wide flank, threatening to surround the outnumbered confederates.

The Swiss repeatedly assailed, hurling against the formations of Habsburg pikesmen with their seemingly impenetrable walls of spears. Despite repeated tries, the Swiss were growing in desperation, as they simply could not break the close ranks of the Austrian forces and was in grave danger of being mercilessly routed. At this final critical moment, seeing an momentous opening in the enemy’s formation of spears, Winkelried cried: "I want to open a passage into the line; protect, dear countrymen and confederates, my wife and children..." This broke the Austrian front, and an avenue appear through which the Swiss could exploit, breaching initial hapless Habsburg ranks deprived of their spears, and onwards splintering the entire Austrians forces throughout, routing them expeditiously without leniency.

The Swiss victory was against all odds and expectations, Duke Leopold and with him a large number of nobles and knights were slain, including several members of the noble families, in total Swiss lost 200-600 men, whereas the Austrian estimate 1’500 dead of which 400 of them were nobles.  

In memory of the self-sacrificing heroism of Arnold von Winkelried at the momentous Battle of Sempach, 9thJuly 1386 where against all odds, the Forest Cantons of the Swiss Confederacy were victorious against the vastly larger, more battle experienced and well armored Habsburg army of Leopold III.







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