1892 Glarus

 1892 Glarus Shooting Medal1892 Glarus Shooting Medal

Actual 45 mm size by Huguenin, Le Locle.


Lady Helvetia, dignified in dress and posture, is depicted as the allegory of the Confederacy. Her left hand raised high forthe Schwurhand, an oath gesture in traditional depictions of the Rütlischwur, while he right hand rests upon the blazon shield bearing the Swiss Cross.

Her steely gaze is westward bound, staunchly determined to keep her vow of a united brotherhood, a vow she has sworn to keep, protection by all and for all.

Strewn before her unshod feet, twin branches of alpine flora bound at their ends with delicate ribbon signifying the textile heritage of the lands. She stands at the outcrop, high view of the virtues in the unity, always at the edge of readiness to defend with the shield of Confederacy.

A picturesque scene of Glarus Alps’ highest peak (the Tödi), lush alpine forest, the great river Linth, all bearing silent witness to many acclaimed deeds of the lands, as the city-settlement Glarus flourished over the centuries.



“GENDENKET DER THATEN EURER VÆTER!” – “Remember That of your Forefathers!”



Heraldic blazon emblem of St. Fridolinus, the patron saint of city, is encircled by floral laurel branches, the triumphant champions of the Schützenfest shooting competition.



The Rütlischwur is the legendary oath taken at the foundation of the Old Swiss Confederacy by the representatives of the three founding cantons, traditionally dated to 1307. It is named for the site of the oath taking, the Rütli, a meadow above Lake Uri near Seelisberg.  

Wir wollen sein ein einzig Volk von Brüdern,
in keiner Not uns trennen und Gefahr.
Wir wollen frei sein, wie die Väter waren,
eher den Tod, als in der Knechtschaft leben.
Wir wollen trauen auf den höchsten Gott
und uns nicht fürchten vor der Macht der Menschen.

We want to be a single People of brethren,
Never to part in danger nor distress.
We want to be free, as our fathers were,
And rather die than live in slavery.
We want to trust in the one highest God
And never be afraid of human power.

Werner Stauffacher for Schwyz, Walter Fürst for Uri and Arnold of Melchtal for Unterwalden, the figures of the three oath takers or Eidgenossen during the 16th century became known as "the Three Tells".

This oath of the mentioned three men takes place in Walter Fürst's house in Altdorf and basically consists of a promise to meet again on 1 August on the Rütli meadow and to bring with them leading and brave men of the three cantons to decide upon a common action plan.”

In memory of the Rütlischwuroath where the representatives of the Three Forest Cantons first laid the foundations for birth of the Confederacy and the defining guiding principles of unity and brotherhood, which led to great deeds done in its name.








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